Saturday, May 14, 2011


We were engaged for airbrush tattoo service at TCC @ Orchard on 24th October 2007, Wednesday.

Client wanted 4 custom-made designs for the night. We used black colour for the night.

Pretty and sexy guests.


  1. Hey man i airbrush eymslf but i just cant seem to keep a fine line on my airbrush itle start out fine then it will get thick and wont go back to being as fine as i need it to be for details.?? Do you have any tips that can help me out with that??

  2. I was searching online for some make up artist secrets related sites and a I came across your post. I normally don't take the time to look at blogs but today I made an exception. After searching for about an hour for make up artist secrets it is nice to find a post that is helpful. Thanks.
    airbrush tattoos
